Academic papers by team members
January 29, 2014 Leave a Comment
Fletcher, D. R. and Wright, S. (2020) ‘Special Issue: International perspectives on the theories and practices of welfare conditionality’, in Social Policy & Administration, 54(2): 185-326. Available online at:
Articles within the Special Issue:
- Fletcher, D. R.: Introduction to the Special Edition
- Kaufman, J.: ‘Intensity, moderation, and the pressures of expectation: Calculation and coercion in the street‐level practice of welfare conditionality’,
- Wright, S., Fletcher, D. R., and Stewart, A. B. R.: ‘Punitive benefit sanctions, welfare conditionality, and the social abuse of unemployed people in Britain: Transforming claimants into offenders?’,
- Dwyer, P., Scullion, L., Jones, K., McNeill, J., and Stewart, A. B. R., ‘Work, welfare, and wellbeing: The impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK’,
Batty, E. (2020) ‘Without the Right Support Network I’d Probably Be Either Dead or in the Prison System: The Role of Support in Helping Offenders on their Journey to Desistance’, in Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, available online at:
Dwyer, P. et al. (2019) ‘Work, welfare, and wellbeing: the impacts of welfare conditionality on people with mental health impairments in the UK’, in Social Policy and Administration, available online at:
Wright, S. and Patrick, R. (2019) ‘Welfare conditionality in lived experience: aggregating qualitative longitudinal research’, Social Policy and Society, early online view DOI:
Dwyer, P. (2018) ‘Punitive and ineffective: benefit sanctions within social security’, Journal of Social Security Law, 25(3) :142-157.
Dwyer, P., Scullion, L., Jones, K. and Stewart, A B R. (2018) ‘The impact of conditionality on the welfare rights of EU migrants in the UK’, Policy & Politics, DOI:
Flint, J. (2018) ‘Encounters with the centaur state: Advanced urban marginality and the practices and ethics of welfare sanctions regimes’, Urban Studies, DOI:
Fletcher, D. R. and Flint, J. (2018) ‘Welfare conditionality and social marginality: The folly of the tutelary state?’ Critical Social Policy, DOI:
Johnsen, S., Fitzpatrick, S., and Watts, B. (2018) ‘Homelessness and social control: a typology’, Housing Studies, January 2018, pp1-21. (OPEN ACCESS) DOI:
Fletcher, D. R. and Wright, S. (2017) ‘A hand up or a slap down? Criminalising benefit claimants in Britain via strategies of surveillance, sanctions and deterrence’, Critical Social Policy. pp1-22. (OPEN ACCESS) DOI:
McNeill, J., Scullion, L., Jones, K. and Stewart, A.B.R., (2017) ‘Welfare conditionality and disabled people in the UK: claimants’ perspectives’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. Volume 25, Number 2, June 2017, pp. 177-180(4) (OPEN ACCESS) DOI:
Watts, B., Fitzpatrick, S. and Johnsen, S. (2017) ‘Controlling homeless people? Power, interventionism and legitimacy’, Journal of Social Policy. (OPEN ACCESS) DOI:
Fitzpatrick, S. and Watts, B. (2017) ‘Competing visions: security of tenure and the welfarisation of English social housing’, Housing Studies, pp1-18. (OPEN ACCESS) doi:
Povey, L. (2016) ‘Where Welfare and Criminal Justice Meet: Applying Wacquant to the Experiences of Marginalised Women in Austerity Britain’, Social Policy and Society, pp. 1–11. (OPEN ACCESS) doi: 10.1017/S1474746416000609
Wright, S. (2016) ‘Conceptualising the active welfare subject: welfare reform in discourse, policy and lived experience’, Policy & Politics, 44(2), pp235-252. (OPEN ACCESS)
Fletcher, D., Flint, J., Batty, E., McNeill, J. (2016) ‘Gamers or victims of the system? Welfare reform, cynical manipulation and vulnerability’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 24( 2), pp. 171-185(15) (OPEN ACCESS)
Ball, E., Batty, E., and Flint, J., (2015) ‘Intensive Family Intervention and the Problem Figuration of ‘Troubled Families’’, Social Policy and Society, 15(2) pp263-274 (OPEN ACCESS)
Crawford, J. and Flint, J. (2015) ‘Rational fictions and imaginary systems: Cynical ideology and the problem figuration and practice of public housing’, Housing Studies, 30(5), pp. 792-807 (OPEN ACCESS)
Fletcher, D. (2015) ‘Workfare – a Blast from the Past? Contemporary Work Conditionality for the Unemployed in Historical Perspective’, Social Policy and Society, Vol 14 Issue 3, pp329-339. (OPEN ACCESS)
Flint, J., Kruithof, B. and Powell, R. (2015) ‘Introduction- Civilising Offensives’, (editorial to special issue), Human Figurations, 4(1).
Flint, J. (2014) ‘Housing and the Realignment of Urban Socio-Spatial Contracts’, Housing, Theory and Society, Vol 1 Issue 32, pp39-53 (OPEN ACCESS)
Fitzpatrick, S., Bengtsson, S., and Watts, B., (2014) ‘Rights to Housing: Reviewing the Terrain and Exploring a Way Forward’, Housing, Theory and Society, 31(4), pp447-463. (OPEN ACCESS)
Dwyer, P. and Wright, S., (2014) ‘Universal Credit, ubiquitous conditionality and its implications for social citizenship’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice. Volume 22, Number 1, February 2014, pp. 27-35(9). (OPEN ACCESS TILL 31 DEC 2017) DOI: