Posts Tagged ‘conditionality’

News from the blogs

September 15, 2014     Leave a Comment

Following the publication of ‘Welfare sanctions and conditionality in the UK’ by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation last week, responses have been posted by academics working in the field.

Ken Gibb, an applied economist at the University of Glasgow, had this to say about the report:

“I have just read the new Joseph Rowntree Foundation Round-up ‘Welfare Sanctions and Conditionality in the UK’ by Beth Watts, Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Glen Bramley and David Watkins. This draws on the ESRC Welfare Conditionality: Sanctions, Support and Behaviour Change research programme (based on a series of briefings related to that programme). This is an excellent summary of the breadth and depth of the issues, the evidence that exists on the perceived effects, impacts and mechanisms of different forms of conditionality and also includes a valuable discussion of the ethics of welfare sanctions and increased conditionality.” Continue reading the full blog

Meanwhile, Alex Marsh, Professor of Public Policy at the University of Bristol, wrote this:

“One of the most striking developments in policy design in the UK is the rise of conditionality. It most prominently affects those who are out of work and seeking assistance from the welfare system, but it features across a range of other policy areas including housing and health.

Commentators might, quite rightly, rail against IDS and his insensitive disciplinary regime of seemingly indiscriminate sanctions, but he has only taken a system that was initiated by the Blairites in the 1990s and distilled it into something purer. He has made the conditions placed on receipt of assistance more stringent and the sanctions for transgression harsher. Indeed, it could be credibly argued that in some cases the system is now ludicrously harsh and vulnerable people are being set up to fail.” Continue reading the full blog

Project Publications Launched Today

September 11, 2014     Leave a Comment

Today marks the launch of a number of publications by the research team. We have a round-up paper, commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, which considers how effective welfare conditionality is, what the impacts are, how different groups fare, and to what extent it can be morally justified. The report can be downloaded from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation website, and you can read more about the findings in a blog by authors Dr Beth Watts and Prof Suzanne Fitzpatrick.

We have also published eight briefing papers, each outlining the ‘state of play’ in a particular area of policy. These policy areas are being examined closely as part of the research, and the papers lay out the current status of conditionality for each group of people. The papers can be downloaded from our Publications section.

Share your views: we invite your comments and thoughts on our papers through the comments sections on each page.

ESRCAn ESRC large grant
University of Glasgow Heriot Watt University University of Salford Manchester Sheffield Hallam University University of Sheffield University of York